You can have a dry camera. You can have a camera with batteries. But if you haven't got digital film... in other words, a memory card.... well, you can't do much with your camera.
When you buy a digital camera, sometimes it comes with a memory card. Sometimes it doesn't. But even if it does, quite likely it won't be a very big one.
So you need to buy another memory stick. And whle you're at it, you might want to get two. Especially if you're going to be out and about where it will be difficult to download your pictures.
It's handy to have an extra memory card, and these days they are relatively inexpensive.
You can buy two smaller cards instead of one great big one. That way if something happens to the card.. Oh, I dropped it in a mud puddle! Or oh! a sector went bad! Or man, I lost it somewhere!
It's just better to have a back-up, and to have it handy instead of having to wait until you can order another card, or get somewhere to buy one.
More memory! It's always a good thing to have.